Juerg Kaufmann

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To be or not to be: portrait photography in the time of AI

In portrait photography, Shakespeare's question "To be or not to be?" goes to the heart of our search for authenticity in a time influenced by technological progress. For us photographers, the challenge is to capture the essence of being - true emotions, genuine expressions, and the stories behind every face. This is changing since artificial intelligence (AI) promises us almost unlimited possibilities during post-production.

The essence of being in portrait photography

The secret of a strong portrait lies in its ability to give a deeper insight into the person depicted. They capture the emotions, thoughts, and individual personalities in that precise moment. This sensitive process is based on a deep understanding, empathy, and reciprocal trust.

AI: a tool, not a replacement

AI gives us new possibilities, we can easily visualize the image ideas in advance with realistic synthetic images and use them as a common basis for discussion with compelling mood boards. On the other hand, we face the challenge of remaining true to authenticity and ensuring that the soul of the image does not fall victim to the temptations of digital perfection.

Moodboards Created with AI Midjourney

Authenticity in post-production

In post-production, the question of "to be or not to be" is becoming increasingly important. The additional possibilities of applying artificial intelligence to the skin, expression, and much more are tempting.

I believe we have to look for authenticity and truthfulness. And not create an idealized version that deviates from reality.

I feel privileged to take portraits and am excited to capture even more compelling ones with the right touch of AI.

See this gallery in the original post